Here we explain why anyone that has been injured in the workplace should make a compensation claim.

If you have suffered a personal injury at work then like many thousands of other workers in the UK you will be wondering whether you can or if you actually should make a compensation claim.

If the accident was not your fault or at least not completely your fault, then you may well be able to pursue your case. Generally there has to be some fault on the employer for such a claim to be successful. Anyone who has endured pain and suffered a loss of earnings or had to pay expenses as a result of being hurt should consider pursuing the matter further.

More below about accident claims:

With our service we guarantee that:

  • You will not have to pay any fees to us – strictly NO WIN NO FEE
  • You will receive 100% of any compensation that is awarded
  • Our high standards of customer care will ensure that you receive a first class legal service

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Claimrights UK – The cost free compensation service


Telephone 0800 0322210 to speak to a specialist solicitor.

If you make a successful claim you can recover any earnings lost during any period of absence along with other expenses. You can also recover compensation for pain & suffering.

Most people will have no choice but to claim simply because of the employer refusing to pay them any wages during and enforced absence.

Whatever your reason for claiming you should seek legal advice from a  reputable solicitors practice regarding your situation.

We can help you with any case involving injuries sustained in the workplace.

Will you be sacked if I make a claim for personal injury?

This is probably the most common question we receive from customers and rightly so.

It is a fact of life that not all employers are happy when a claim is made and can make employees lives very difficult. In some cases they may even dismiss their employees.

It is very difficult to predict what an employer will do when a claim is made. Most employers see the accident as a warning and so will try and ensure that nothing like that happens again. Perhaps by implementing a safer system of work or ensuring that people are better trained and strict safety procedures adhered to. However, some employers will also see accident claims as a slight and so will attempt to persuade the employee not to make a claim, or in some cases even dismiss them.

Even if this were to happen as long as you have worked for the employer for over one year you are protected by employment law and may be classed as having been unlawfully dismissed.

If you have not worked there for one year then if they have been wrongful in their dismissal or treatment of you then you may still have the protection of employment law. The law is particularly helpful in protecting individuals who are sacked because of health & safety issues they may have raised.

It is rare that a claimant will be dismissed for making a compensation claim. However the risk does exist and we cannot rule out that there will be repercussions with an unscrupulous employer.